Tuesday, 30 July 2013

A little birthday treat

Both my fiance and I agreed that we shouldn't get each other birthday gifts this year being that whatever funds we have should be directed into the preparation of our wedding ceremony and receptions. However, dinner or little treats are allowed.

To get into that Raya feel, Mr. Fiance decided to bring me to the Raya/ Puasa night bazaar in Jalan TAR. Definitely a first for me. Give me air-conditioned malls anytime. The only Jalan TAR experience I've had was during the day or to buy Jovian's at the First Lady branch there last year. A few years back, a friend actually brought me to the bazaars during the day and puasa month, let's just say I was close to fainting and breaking my fast by 3 p.m. Hahahah! Anyway, back to the night bazaar. Definitely cooler but prepare to encounter even massive crowds than that during the day...especially post-salary weekend. Phewwwwh!!! It's better in the sense that you get to drink when you're thirsty and sweaty and you can sample the fare sold there. 

Nonetheless, it was an awesome experience. If you ask if I'd go again next year....ermmmss...maybe not...unless it's before pay-day...than maybe.

Mr. Fiance bought me a nice telekung set with bag for my birthday. I was truly happy.

We browsed through the many bazaars and shops at Jalan TAR for one and a half hours. After that, we proceeded to continue my mini birthday celebration at one of KL's Starbucks branches. Blissssss...Aircond for moi' and awesome drinks.

By the way, Mr. Fiance reneged on our promise. In the end, he surprised me with another special gift before sending me home. Bless him. Not gonna show it to you guys yet. Look out for it in my upcoming blog postings because I definitely will be wearing it with my Raya outfit!

Feeling blessed, loved and special.

Have a fantastic Raya everyone! May your preparations go smoothly and your eid be surrounded by your loved ones...Do share pictures of your raya fare...I'm big on the instafood trend. Hihih...

SOOOOO ramai you alls...kalau nak gi, pakai kasut kebal cos' kalau kena pijak pun tak rasa...haha

Cute cocktail-sized keropok lekors
Nampak macam kacang rebus
Waiting for the clock to strike midnight...Mr. Fiance did his own birthday rendition for moi'
When licking the whipped cream off the plastic stirrer, do not make direct eye contact with the guy in front of you...unless you're married, then by all means, lick away WITH direct eye contact. 

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

R.I.P. Tux

I have been feeding four stray kittens at the back of my house for a while now. Unfortunately one of them, Tux ( short for tuxedo) or as my sisters calls him 'Lembu', died tonight. He was helpless against the stray dog(s).
Sedey now...
To make matters worst, I've not seen his brothers and sister the whole day today. I hope they didn't suffer the same fate.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Raya shopping done

With the wedding coming up, I initially decided not to purchase any baju raya this year...

I say 'initially' because i relented to my urge to shop...couldn't resist getting a melinda looi baju kurung. LOOOOVE the print. Pretty and comfortable.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Panic Mode: ON on high gear

Woke up this morning...and IT dawned on me...
I have around four months till my big day and still plenty to do...HUARGHHH!!! Reviewed my checklist...around 60+ odd things to do...

Monday, 8 July 2013

Update on refund

It was over a month since my engagement ceremony and yet there were no status updates on my partial refund from Nurul Izzah. So I decided to contact the MD himself on 1 July...Discussions were formal and he was kind in responding to my concerns.

Four days later, the cheque on my refund cleared...

Lesson: When you can't solve it at working level, don' be afraid to go up.